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  • I Have a Joke

    I have a bird joke, and it’s pretty fly.

  • Heard That

    What do you call a group of Cowbirds checking out an audiobook?
    A heard!

  • Cheep Jokes

    “Why did the bird go to the library?”
    “He was looking for bookworms.”

  • Surprise!

    “AAAAHHH! OMG, you made me spill my seed.”
    “That’s cause you didn’t seed me coming.”

  • Hummm

    “What do you call a Song Sparrow that can’t sing?”
    “A Hummingbird!”

  • “Hey, why can’t a bird’s beak be 12 inches long?”
    “I don’t know, why?”
    “Because then it would be a foot!”
    “You know that J stands for juvenile, right?”
    “Yeah! That’s my favorite section!”

  • Lonesome Dove

    “Miss Dove, are you lonely?”
    “No, why?”
    “You’re always by your shelf.”

  • Woodpecker

    How many books would a woodpecker read if a woodpecker would read books?

  • Missing Librarian

    “Why couldn’t anyone see the bird librarian?”
    “Because she was in da skies.”