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  • Baby-Sitters Club

    “You told your parents you were coming to the library for The Baby-Sitters Club?
    They know you meant the books, right?”

  • Full House

    “Ok, kids. Ready to go? How many of you are mine?”
    “All of us!”

  • Montuewedthurfriday

    “I’m ready to face the day! What day is it?”

  • Feelings!

    “I am all up in my feelings!!!”

  • Class Photo

    “Ok class, smile for the camera. Say, toilet paper.”
    “Toilet paper!”

  • Surprise!

    “AAAAHHH! OMG, you made me spill my seed.”
    “That’s cause you didn’t seed me coming.”

  • Back Off

    The Bird Library, now with piggyback rides!

  • Just breathe

    “Welcome to library yoga. Today we will focus on our inner bird. This is Dove pose. If this is too difficult just take a break, eat some bird seed, and breathe. Namaste.”

  • “Yes! We returned our library book on time, accessed the online catalog, used the Dewey Decimal System, and checked out a new book we can start reading tonight!
    Gimme five, we did it!”

  • Challenging

    “I finished my summer reading challenge 2 months early! I crushed it!”

  • Scaredy Cats

    “Ok kids, gather round, today we are having scary story time.”
    “Oooo, I hope it’s a really scary one.”
    “Today’s story is called The Cat in the Hat!”
    “Ahhh! That’s too scary!”

  • Duck!

    “And it was coming straight for our heads, so I yelled ‘Duck!’ But it wasn’t, it was a Nuthatch. How embarrassing, a Nuthatch.”

  • Read All About It

    “Extra! Extra! Read all about it at your local library!”

  • Dementor

    “Listen to this part
    ‘An intense cold swept over them all. Harry felt his own breath catch in his chest. The cold went deeper than his skin. It was inside his chest, it was inside his very heart….’
    Dementors are creepy!”

  • Baby Boom

    “You kids better settle down back there! Don’t make me turn this library around!”

  • Birdy Bunch

    “‘Til the one day when the lady met this fellow
    And they knew that it was much more than a hunch
    That this group must somehow form a family
    That’s the way we all became the Birdy Bunch.”

  • Are You My Mother?

    “Are you my mother?”
    “No Luke, I am your father.”