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  • Vote!

    Flock to the polls! The birds are counting on you!

  • Increased Circulation

    “Watch out! What are you doing?”
    “I’m increasing circulation.”

  • Poplarity

    “Why are all the birds hanging out in that tree over there?” “Don’t know, must be a poplar tree.”

  • Hairy Situation

    “Hey, mom! I gave myself a haircut. I’m ready for virtual school!”

  • Montuewedthurfriday

    “I’m ready to face the day! What day is it?”

  • Rush Hour

    “Brother, can you sparrow some personal space?!”

  • Say What?

    “He said what?!”

  • Suspicious Seeds

    “Seeds showing up in your mailbox? Suspicious? I say, delicious!”
    (Note for humans: Don’t feed birds unknown seeds!)

  • Happy 4th!

    The birds are donning their red, white, and blue today. Also, tomorrow, and the next day…

  • Screen Time

    “Walk away from the computer screen, slowly, that’s right.
    Pick up a book, yep, that one’s good. Now, read.”

  • Just a Little Off the Top

    Like my haircut? I did it myself!

  • Check Me Out

    “What do you call that?”
    “I call this move, New Release, cause you’re checking me out!”

  • Cheep Jokes

    “Why did the bird go to the library?”
    “He was looking for bookworms.”

  • Hair Don’t

    Anyone else need a haircut about now?

  • Snacks

    “It’s snack o’clock!”

  • Thank a Librarian

    It’s National Library Month, and we can’t visit our favorite librarians! We miss you!
    Thank you for all you do when the library is open and closed!

  • Social Distancing

    Social Distancing
    …but I’m not even social.

  • Mouth Sharing

    Mouth sharing, it’s for the birds.

  • Doggy Due

    “Look me in the eye and say that again.”
    “No, really, my dog ate my book!”

  • Shhhh

    “The librarian is going to be very upset if she finds out you are vaping in here.”