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  • A Birdle a Day

    “I told you not to tell me the Wordle! Not even a hint! You have ruined my whole day!”

  • Three Wiseguys

    “We three doves from library are, eating seeds from our own snack bar.”

  • Today’s Peck

    “Wood you help me peck out a good book?”

  • Vote!

    Flock to the polls! The birds are counting on you!

  • Your Mom Would Let Me

    Don’t Let the Pigeon Run the Library

  • Increased Circulation

    “Watch out! What are you doing?”
    “I’m increasing circulation.”

  • It’s fine.

    “Huh? Me? Oh, yeah. Everything’s great. It’s good. I’m good. We’re fine. It’s fine. “

  • Poplarity

    “Why are all the birds hanging out in that tree over there?” “Don’t know, must be a poplar tree.”

  • Last of the Mohawkins

    We weren’t sure what we were seeing at first, but we now believe this to be a
    James Fenimore Cooper’s Hawk.

  • Now What?

    Me, watching the news, to see what could possibly happen next.

  • I’m Molting!

    “When you think things couldn’t get worse, always remember,
    you could be a molting Cowbird.”

  • Grace

    “Oh, oh gosh, this is embarrassing. I forgot how to sit in a chair.”
    “Don’t worry about it. I just pooped in this desk.
    We all need to give each other grace right now.”

  • Gettin’ Hairy

    “Yes? Do you have a question?”
    “What is that on your face?”
    “It’s my quarantine beard. I haven’t shaved since March!”

  • Baby-Sitters Club

    “You told your parents you were coming to the library for The Baby-Sitters Club?
    They know you meant the books, right?”

  • Full House

    “Ok, kids. Ready to go? How many of you are mine?”
    “All of us!”

  • Fashion!

    Stylin’ & Bibliophilin’
    photo credit: piqsels

  • Hairy Situation

    “Hey, mom! I gave myself a haircut. I’m ready for virtual school!”

  • Montuewedthurfriday

    “I’m ready to face the day! What day is it?”

  • Rush Hour

    “Brother, can you sparrow some personal space?!”

  • Floofy Sparrow

    “The Floof is strong with this one.”